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Heritage Commission Minutes 01/20/2011
MINUTES (January 20, 2011)

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Lucille Noel, Barbara Frangione, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Michelle Plunkett, Faye & Bob McAnney, Dawn Marshall
Community Members Present: Dennis Nolin, Loretta Winslow, Tim Fluery, Merrimack County Forester

Members Not Present: Bette Bogdan

Jeff Jordan is now our Selectmen Rep.

Old Business

Bob gave an overview of the Canterbury Rd. trees.
Options for getting trees
•       State Forest ($1.50 for 6 ft. bare root)
•       Private Nurseries (Brochu 6-7 ft. bare root $50.00 ea.)

The Commission received a check from a couple in Illinois for our “Tree Project”.  A Thank You will be sent.

Bob will chair the Canterbury Rd tree project.  There are approximately 27 trees that need to be replaced.

Tim Fluery discussed what type of trees would be the best to replace the Sugar Maples that are now there.   Sugar Maples are very salt sensitive and don’t like root compaction.  They need a high ph soil.  

Some alternatives to Sugar Maples
•       Red Oak
•       Red Maple
•       Pin Oak
•       White Oak
•       Shag Bark Hickory

He discussed how maintain once planted:
•       Pruning
•       Watering
•       Plant out of row
•       Mulch and fencing

Tim also discussed how we can pick a tree for the appropriate site, i.e. flowering, tall, etc.

We need to have someone access the trees.  Michelle will look into this.

Tim will also check on Grants for the trees.

If we classify it a Scenic Rd. can we get funding?

The Commission is also looking into the State Stewardship program through the Cooperative Extension.

Mary Tebo has put Michelle on her email list for workshops and classes pertaining to the Stewardship Program.

We also discussed the Grange windows.  We had a couple of restoration companies come out to look at the windows, we are still in the process of collecting prices.  The attic and stage windows were never painted.  We can apply for Moose Grants for the windows.  This might have to be a 2 year project.  

The Moose Grant is due on March 31.

New Business

Commission member’s terms that are up


Next Meeting Feb. 17th @ 7:00pm at the Town Library

Respectfully Submitted,

Michelle Plunkett